JL. HOS Cokroaminoto 10 Telp. 0274-513454, Fak 0274-542604 Yogyakarta 55253
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Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : X/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 32 lesson
Standard of competence : 1. Understanding atomic structure, properties of periodic element, and chemical bond
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
1.1. Understanding atomic structure pursuant to atomic theory of Bohr, properties of element, relative atomic mass, and properties of periodic element in periodic tables and also realize its regularity, passing the understanding of electron configuration.
• The development periodic tables of element
• Physical and chemical properties of elements
• Periodic properties of elements.
Atomic structure.
Electron configuration.
Electron valency.
Relative atomic mass.
Isotop, isobar, isotones.
• Development of atomic theory start from Dalton up to Atomic Theory. • Studying literature about development periodic tables of element in team-work.
• Presentation result of study to conclude base group of elements.
• Perceiving some element to differentiate the properties of metal, non metal and metalloid.
• Studying regularity of atom radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electro negativity of period elements and class pursuant to graph or data and atomic number through group discussion.
• Connecting regularity properties of atom radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electro negativity.
• Studying periodic tables of element to determine elementary particle, electron configuration, relative atomic mass.
• Identifying element into isotope, isobar and isotones through team-work.
• Studying literature about development of atomic theory (at home after assigned at previous meeting).
• Comparing development of periodic tables element to identify excess and insufficiency
• Explaining base subdividing of elements.
• Classifying element into metal, non metal and metalloid.
• Analyzing tables, graph to determine regularity of atom radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electro negativity.
• Determining elementary particle ( proton, electron and neutron)
• Determining electron configuration and valence electron.
• Determining relative atomic mass pursuant to periodic tables.
• Classifying element into isotope, isobar and isotones.
• Explaining development of atomic theory to show excess and weakness of each atomic theory. Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
16 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
LCD, computer
1.2. Comparing process forming of ionic bond, covalent bond, coordination bond, and metalic bond and also its relation with characteristics of formed compound physics. Chemical bond
Element stability
Lewis structure
Ionic bond and covalent bond
Coordinated covalent bond
Polar and non polar covalent compounds
Metallic bond
• Molecule shape • Determining element able to discharge electron or accept electron to reach stability in group discussion.
• Describe valence electron formation of Lewis through class discussion.
• Comparing process forming of ionic bond and covalent bond in class discussion.
• Discuss forming process of coordinate covalent bond from some simple compound example.
• Design and conduct experiment to investigate compounds polarity in laboratory.
• Identifying the properties of metal physical and connecting it with process forming of metalic bond in group discussion in laboratory.
• Explaining molecule form with molymod.
• Discussion of information form
• Ion geometry Explaining tendency an element to reach its stability.
Describe inert gas atom valence electron structure (duplet and octet) and valence electron is not inert gas (structure of Lewis).
Explaining process forming of ionic bond.
Explaining process forming of single, double, and triple covalent bond.
Explaining process forming of coordinate bond at some compound.
Describe structure of Lewis and Formula structure of H2SO4, HNO3, and SO3
Investigating polarity some compound and its relation with electro negativity passing an experiment.
Description process forming of metallic bonding and its relation with properties of metal physical.
Connecting the properties of items fisis with its bonding type.
Can determine compound molecule form
Can write down hybridization
Can write down ion geometry form.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
16 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
LCD, computer
Solution having the character of polar and non polar.
• Burette, funnel, beaker glass,
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : X/1
Subjec matter : CHEMISTRY
Layanan : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 36 lesson
Standard of competence : 2. Understanding elementary laws of chemistry and its applying in calculation of chemistry ( stoichiometry)
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
2.1 Describe arrange the name of organic and inorganic compound modestly and also equation of reaction
Nomenclature of compound
Equation of simple reaction
To ascertain binary compound (ion compound) formed of the tables of cation (principal group) and anion and also give its name in group discussion.
To ascertain the name of formed binary compound pass covalent bond.
To ascertain the name compound of polyatomic formed tables cation (principal group and NH4+) and is anion of polyatomic and also give its name in group discussion.
Concluding order giving binary compound name and polyatomic
Informing the name of some organic compound modestly.
Discussing the way of putting on a equal reaction.
Practice put on equation of reaction. Writing down the name of binary compound.
Writing down the name of polyatomic compound
Writing down the name of organic compound modestly
Putting on a equal simple reaction given by the name of substance in concerned reaction or on the contrary Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
12 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
2.2. To prove and communicate going into effect elementary laws it of chemistry through experiment and also apply mole concept in finishing calculation of chemistry.
Elementary law chemistry
Lavoisier law.
Proust law
Dalton law
Gay Lussac law
Avogadro law
Calculation of chemistry
Design and conduct an experiment to prove law of Lavoisier, and law of Proust in the laboratory.
Conclude from data result of an experiment.
Discussing experiment data to prove Dalton law, Gay Lussac and Avogadro law in group discussion class.
Calculating gas volume reactant or product pursuant to law of Gay Lussac.
Finding relation between gas volume with amount of its molecule which measured at same pressure and temperature (Avogadro law).
Discussion of concerning conception mole
Counting mole, amount of particle, and mass of volume gas, determining empirical formula, molecule formula, crystal water, substance degree in compound, and reactant of constrictor.
Proving Law of Lavoisier pass an experiment
Proving Law of Proust pass an experiment
Analyzing compound to prove to going into effect comparison fold law it (Dalton law)
Using experiment data to prove law comparison of volume (Gay Lussac law).
Using experiment data to prove Avogadro law.
Converting the amount of mole with amount of particle, mass, volume of substance
To ascertain empirical formula and molecule formula.
To ascertain water crystal formula.
To ascertain substance degree in a compound.
To ascertain constrictor reactant in a reaction.
To ascertain quantity of reactant and product Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
24 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : X/2
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 40 lesson
Standard of competence : 3. Understanding the properties of non electrolyte and electrolyte solution and oxidation-reduction reaction.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
3.1 Identifying the properties of nonelectrolyte and electrolyte pursuant to data result of experiment.
Electrolyte and non electrolyte solution.
Solution type pursuant to energy conduct an electrics.
Solution electrolyte type pursuant to bonding.
Design and conduct an experiment to identify the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution in laboratory via group discussion.
Concluding the difference properties and type of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution.
Identifying the properties electrolyte and non electrolyte solution through an experiment.
Grouping solution into electrolyte and non electrolyte solution pursuant to properties of its electrics conductor.
Explaining cause of ability of electrolyte solution send electrics current.
Describe that is electrolyte solution can in the form of ion compound and polar covalent compound.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
20 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 1, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.2. Explaining development of concept oxidation-reduction reaction and its relation with nomenclature and also its applying.
Oxidation and reduction concept.
Number oxidize element in ion or compound.
Nomenclature according to IUPAC.
Application of Redox in solving problem environment. Demonstrations reaction of combustion and electron taking over (for example reaction of between iron nail plunged into accumulator water)
Determining number oxidize element atom in ion or compound in class discussion.
Exercise to determine oxidation number, oxidation agent, reduction agent, oxidation result, and reduction result.
Determining naming of binary compound (ion compound) formed of the tables of cation and anion and also give its name in group discussion.
Finding concept of redox to solve problem environment in class group discussion. Differentiating oxidation-reduction concept evaluated from merger and release of oxygen, release and acceptance of electron, and also improvement and degradation of oxidation number.
Determining number oxidize element atom in ion or compound.
Determining oxidation agent and reduction agent in redox reaction.
Giving the name of compound according to IUPAC.
Describe conception electrolyte solution and concept of redox in solving problem environment Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
20 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 1, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : X/2
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 40 lesson
Standard of competence : 4. Understanding the properties of organic compound on the basis of functional group and macromolecules compound..
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
4.1 Describe specification of carbon atom in forming hydrocarbon compound.
Identify atom of C,H and O
Specification of carbon atom
Atom C primary, secondary, tertier and quarterner.
Design and conduct an experiment to identify element of C, H, and O in carbon compound in group discussion in laboratory.
By using moolymod discuss specification of carbon atom in group discussion in class.
Determining atom of C primary, secondary, tertier and quarterner in class group discussion
Identifying element of C, H, and O in carbon compound through an experiment
Describe specification of carbon atom in carbon compound.
Differentiating atom of C primary, secondary, tertier and quarterner.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
8 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 1, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.2 To clasify hydrocarbon compound pursuant to its structure and its relation with properties of compound. Alkane, alkene and alkyne
Physical properties of alkane, alkene and alkyne.
Reaction of carbon compound.
By using molymood (can change with molymood made in) discussing binding type at carbon atom at compound of alkane, alkene and alkyne.
Nomenclature practice
Analyzing data boiling point and melting point carbon compound in group discussion.
Using molymood to determine hydrocarbon compound isomer through group discussion.
Formulating simple reaction of alkane compound, alkene and alkyne in class discussion
Grouping hydrocarbon compound pursuant to bonding saturation .
Giving the name of alkane, alkene and alkyne compound
Concluding relation boiled hydrocarbon compound with molecule mass relative and its structure
Determining structure isomer (framework, position, function) or geometry isomer ( cis, trans)
Writing down simple reaction alkane, alkene and alkyne (reaction of oxidation, reaction of addition, reaction of substitution, and reaction of elimination)
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
12 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 1, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.3 Explaining forming process and dissociation technique of petroleum fractions and also its usefulness Petroleum
Petroleum fraction
Quality of gasoline.
Impact combustion of fuel
In team-work study about petroleum exploration, petroleum fraction, quality of gasoline, petrochemical and effect result combustion of fuel
Presentation result of team-work.
• Presentation result of team-work.
• Presentation result of team-work.
Describe forming process of natural gas and petroleum.
Explaining principal components compiler of petroleum.
Interpreting high rise distillation schema to explain technique and base dissociation of petroleum fractions.
Differentiating the quality of gasoline pursuant to its octane number.
Differentiating the quality of gasoline pursuant to its octane number. Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
8 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 1, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.4 Explaining composition and usefulness of hydrocarbon compound in everyday life in the field of food, clothing, board, commerce, artistic, and esthetics Hydrocarbon compound in everyday life.
Discussion in team-work to identify usefulness of hydrocarbon compound in the field of food, clothing , board and in the field of esthetics and art. Describe usefulness of hydrocarbon compound composition in the field of food.
Describe usefulness of hydrocarbon compound composition in the field of board and clothing.
Describe usefulness of hydrocarbon compound composition in the field of esthetics and art.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
12 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 1, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 1, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XI/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 20 lesson
Standard of competence : 1. Understanding atomic structure to study the periodical properties of elements ,the molecule structures, and the properties of compounds.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
1.1 Explaining the Bohr atomic theory and quantum mechanics to draw the electron’s configuration and the diagram orbital and also to determine the element position in the periodic tables. TheBohr Atomic theory and quantum mechanic.
Quantum number and orbital form.
The Electrons configuration (Aufbau principle, Hund rule and Pauli prohibition rule) and its relation to the periodic system Studying about the quantum theory, principal uncertainty and waving mechanics in groups discussion.
Determining the quantum numbers and the form of orbital s, p , d and f in the class .
Determining the electron configuration, the diagram of orbital and also its relations to element position in the periodic tables in the class
Determining the of electrons configuration and the element position in the periodic tables. Explaining the quantum mechanics atomic theory.
Determining quantum numbers ( the possibility of electron reside in)
Describing the forms of orbital.
Explaining shell and sub shell and also its relation with quantum number.
Using Aufbau principle, Hund rule and principality of prohibition Pauli to write down electron configuration and diagram of orbital.
Relating the electron configuration an of element with the position in the periodic system. Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. Task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
1.2. Explain the eleetron poired sum theory around the atomic core and the hibridisation theory to predict the molecular shapes. Molecular shapes Drawing the molecular shapes in groups ( used the visualization instruments such as balloons or CD’s ) Determining the molecular shapes based on the electron paired theory.
Determining the molecular shape based on the hibridisation theory. Technique:
Individual assignment
Written test 2 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
1.3. Explain the intermolecular interaction ( intermolecularforces) based on their characteristics
Intermolecular force.
Discussing the moleculer forces.
Analyzing graph showing relation shape between the boiling point with hydrogen bonded molecule..
Identifying the physical properties of molecule based on the inter molecular force in groups.
Explaining the differences between the physical properties ( boiling and freezing point) based on the intermolecular force(Van Der Waals force, london force, and hydrogen bonds)
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XI/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 25 lesson
Standard of competence: 2. Comprehending change energy in chemical reaction and way of its measurement.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
2.1. Describe the reaction change enthalpy reaction, exothermic reaction, and endothermic reaction..
The Conservation laws of energy.
The System and the environment
The Exothermic and the endothermic reactions
Enthalpy change • Identifying the environment and the system through in groups
• Designing and conducting an experiment about exothermic and endothermic reactions in groups Concluding the differences between exothermic and endothermic reactions using experiment data.
• Drawing graphs showing eksothermic and endothermic reactions.
• Explaining the change of class.
Explaining the law of energy conservation
Differentiating the environment and system
Differentiating the reaction realizing heat (exothermic) with the reaction absorbing heat (endothermic) through an experiment.
Explaining the change of enthalpy.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
2.2 Determining the H of reaction by experiment, and using the Hess law, the standardized formation enthalpy changes data, and bonding energy data, and data of energy bonding.
Hess law • Designing and conducting an experiment to study the H of reaction using a calorimeter in groups.
• calculating the ∆H.value.
Calculating the value of ∆H through an experiment
Calculating the value ∆H using:
- The standardized formation enthalpy change data, and bonding energy (∆Hf).
- cycle diagram
- bonding energy
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
2.3. Free energy and entropy The Relation between the free energy, enthalpy and entropy.
Understanding the free energy and entropy.
Studying the relation between the free energy, enthalpy and entropy.
Writing the relationship between the free energy, entropy and energy.
Determining the free energy 5 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XI/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 40 lesson
Standard of competence : 3. Understanding the reaction kinetics, equilibrium, and the factors, and also its application in industrial and everyday life.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
3.1. Describe the definition of the reaction rate by conducting experiment about factors influencing the reaction rate. Concentration of the solution (molarity)
Factors influencing the reaction.rate.
Calculating and preparing solution in groups.
Designing and conducting an experiment about factors influencing the rate of reaction in groups.
Concluding factors influencing the rate of reaction.
Calculating the concentration of a solution (molarity a solution).
Analyzing factors influencing the rate of reaction (concentrations, area of the surfaces , temperatures, and catalysts) using experiment
Interpreting data about factors influencing the rate of reactions..
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.2. Understandingthe theory of collision to explain the rate determinant factors and the order of reaction and also its application in everyday life. The Collision theory
The Reaction order
The Role of catalyst in industry and everyday life
Identifying the reaction using and not using catalysts using the collision theory groups
Calculating and determining the order and the rate of reaction in groups.
Determining the order of the reaction,and the equation of reaction.rate.
Explaining function of catalyst in reaction of passing discussion.
Explaining the influence of the concentration, surface area, and temperature to rate of reaction based on the collision theory.
Differentiating potential energy diagram of chemical reaction using and not using catalyst.
Explaining the definition, catalyst function and energy activation using the diagram.
Determining the rate and the order reaction.
Explaining the function catalyst in industry.and daily life.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.3. Explaining the equlibrium and the factors influencing the shift of equilibrium using an experiment.
Dynamics equilibrium
Factors influencing the direction of the equilibrium shift.
Explaining about dynamic equilibrium, heterogeneous and homogeneous equilibriums and the equilibrium constant through discussion.
Designing and conducting an experiment about factors influencing the direction of equilibrium via in groups.
Concluding the factors influencing the direction of the equilibrium .
Explaining the dynamic equilibrium.
Explaining the heterogeneous and homogeneous equilibriums.
Explaining the constant of the equilibrium.
Prediting the direction of the equilibrium using Le Chatelier rules.
Analyzing the influence of the temperature, concentration, pressure, and volume to equilibrium through experiment.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
5 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.4. Determining the quantitative relation ship between the reactants and products reaction from a equilibrium reaction. Quantitative relationship between the reactant of the equilibrium reaction. Calculating the value of Kc, Kp and the degree of the dissociation through discussion.
calculating the Kc, Kp.
Practice calculate value of Kc pursuant to Kp or on the contrary.
Interpreteng the experiment data concerning write theconcentration of the reactants and products in the equilibrium reaction to determine the degree of the dissociation and equilibrium constants..
Calculating the Kc of an equilibrium.reaction.
Calculating the Kp of a equilibrium reaction.
Calculating the Kc and the Kp of a equilibrium reaction.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.5. Explaining the application of the equilibrium principle in the industries and the everyday life The Process of Haber Bosch and contact .
Studying the optimum condition to produce chemicals in industries relied equilibrium reaction through discussion.
Explaining optimum condition to produce chemicals in industry relied an equilibrium reactions through discussion.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
5 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XI/2
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 60 lesson
Standard of competence : 4. Understanding the properties of acid-base solutions, measurement methods, and its applications.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
4.1 Describe the acid-base theory by determining the properties of solutions and calculate the pH of solutions
The Acid-base theories
The Properties of acid and base solutions.
Degree of Acidity (pH)
Ionization degree and constant of acids and bases
The Application of pH concept in contamination.
Explaining the definition of Arrhenius, Bronsted and Lowry, and Lowry acid-bases in class
Determining the Bronsted-Lowry acid-base
Designing and conducting an experiment to identify acid-base using various indicator in groups.
Defining of acid or base solutions.
Designing and of conducting an experiment to estimate pH of an electrolyte solution based on the change of colour of acid and base indicator in groups.
Concluding the route pH of acid and base.
Through the class the discussion concluding result ofmeasurement of pH of some acid solutions and of base which has a same concentration, correlating the strength of acid or base with degree of ionization ( α ) and acid constant ( Ka) or base constant ( Kb)
Calculating the degree and the pH of ionize solutions from concentration data.
Checking and calculating the pH river water around school / house in groups.
Explaining the definition of acid and base according to Arrhenius.
Explaining the definition of acid and base according to Bronsted and Lowry.
Writing equations of acid and base reactions according to Bronsted and Lowry and indicate the acid and base conjugations.
Explaining the definition of acid and base according to Lewis
Identifying the properties of acid an base solution using a various indicator.
Predacting the pH an electrolyte solution based on the change of colours acid and base indicators.
Explaining of the strength of acid and presenting the result of pH measurements of some acid and base solution of same concentrations.
Correlating the strength or acid or base with the degree of the ionization (α) and acid constant (Ka) or base constant (Kb)
Calculating the pH of acid or base solutions which is known the concentration.
Explaining the usage of concept of pH in the environment.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.2 Calculating the number of reactants and products in an electrolyte solution in the acid-base titration. Stoichiometry of solution
Acid and base titration. Designing and conducting an experiment of titration to determine the acid or base concentration.
Concluding the experiment.
Design and conduct an experiment to determine the concentration of a substance by titration in groups.
Calculating the concentration of a substance from an experiment data.
Determining the acid or base concentration with a titration method.
Determining the concentration of a substance with a titration method.
Determining the used of correct indicator for acid and base titration.
Determining the concentration of a substance from a titration data .
Drawing a tittration graph from an
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.3 Describe the properties of buffer solutions and the function of buffer solutions in the body.
Buffer solutions
pH of buffer solutions.
Buffer solution function.
Designing and conducting an experiment to analyse buffer solutions and non buffers in laboratory.
Summing up the properties of buffer and non buffer solutions.
Calculating the pH or pOH of buffer solutions through discussion.
Explaining the buffer solutions function in mortal body.
Analyzing the buffer and non buffer solution through an experiment.
Calculating the pH or pOH buffer solutions..
Calculating the pH of buffer solution after addition of a little acid or base or thinning.
Explaining buffer solution function in mortal body.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.4 Determining the salt type hydrolysised in the water and the pH of salt solution. Salt hydrolysis.
The Character of salt which is hydrolysised.
The pH of solution of salt which is hydrolysised
Designing and conducting an experiment to determine properties of some salt hydrolysised in the water in groups.
Concluding the salt properties which is hydrolysised in water.
Calculating the pH of the salt solution which is hydrolysised in water
Determining the properties of some salt which is hydrolisised in water through an experiment.
Determining the properties of salt which is hydrolysised from the ionization reaction.
Calculating the pH of salt solution which is hydrolysised.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
4.5 Using the curve pH change of acid-base titration to explain the buffer solution and the hydrolysis. Graphs of titration acid and base.
Analyzing graphs of titration acid strong acid and strong base, strong acid and weak base, weak acid and strong base to explain the buffer solution and hydrolysis through discussion.
Analyzing graph result of titration acid strong and base strong, strong acid and weak base, weak acid and strong base to explain buffer solution and hydrolysis through discussion.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 jp Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.6 Predict the forming of precipitation from a reaction based on the to solubility principle and solubility products.
Solubility and solubility products..
Common ion
Relation pH of base with Ksp
Precipitation Explaining the equilibrium in saturated solution or salt solution which is less soluble in class
Calculating the solubility of less soluble electrolyte in class.
Designing and conducting an experiment to determine the solubility salt and solubility product.
Concluding the solubility of salt.
Studying the influence of the common ion effects the compound solubility.
Studying the relation of Ksp with the pH of base.
Studying the process of precipitate.formation.
Explaining the equilibrium in saturated solution or salt solution which in less soluble.
Connecting the constant solubility product with solubility level or its precipitation
Writing the expression of Ksp of less soluble substances.
Calculating the solubility of less soluble electrolyte using data of Ksp and vice
Explaining the influence of addition of common ion effects into the solution.
Determining the pH of the solution using the Ksp value
Approximating the precipate formation based on the Ksp.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XI/2
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 25 lesson
Standard of competency: 5. Explaining the system and properties of colloid and also its application in everyday life.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
5.1. Making a various colloid system using materials from in the enviroment • Making a colloid (condensation, disperse, and peptisation methods) • Designing and conducting an experiment of making colloid in groups. Explaining the process of a colloid preparation through an experiment.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
15 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Lembar kerja,
Material presentasi
LCD, komp
5.2. Grouping the properties of colloid and its application in everyday life.
Colloid system
Properties of colloid
• The Use of colloid in life. • Conducting an experiment in classifying a various colloid system.
• Identify and classify the type and properties of colloid in groups
• Conducting an experiment on properties of colloid in groups..
• Identifying the role of colloid in cosmetic industry, food, and pharmacy
Classifying the mixer solution and colloid based on the observations (Tyndall effect, homogeneous/heterogeneous, and screening)
Classifying colloid type pursuant to phase of dispersed phase and of dispersant.
Describe the properties of colloid (Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, dialysis, electrophoresis, emulsion, coagulation)
Explaining the colloid lyofob and lyophil.
Describe the function of colloid in cosmetic industry, food, and pharmacy.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
10 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XII/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 42 lesson
Standard of competency: 1. Explaining the colligative properties of nonelectrolyte and electrolyte solution..
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
1.1 Explaining degradation of vapour pressure, increase of boiling point, depression of freezing point of solution, and osmosis pressure including the colligative properties of solution.
• Concentration of solution.
• Definition of properties colligative non electrolyte solution (Raoult Law) and electrolyte solution.
• Saturated vapour pressure of solution.
• Freezing point and boiling point electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution.
• Osmosis pressure of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution.
• Calculating concentration a solution (molality, mole fraction and molarity) and relate it with properties of colligative solution through class discussion.
• Explaining influence of dissolve solute which difficult to condense to ward vapour pressure solution and calculate of vapour pressure solution pursuant to experiment data through class discussion.
• Design and conduct an experiment to determine freezing point and boiling point of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution via team-work in laboratory.
• Concluding influence of dissolve solute to depression of freezing point and increase boiling point solution.
• Exercise to calculate Tf and Tb solution.
• Analyzing diagram of PT to interpret degradation vapour pressure, depression of freezing point and increase of boiling point solution through class discussion
• Explaining definition of osmosis , osmosis pressure and calculate electrolyte and non electrolyte osmosis pressure and also its application through class discussion. • Calculating concentration a solution (mole fraction and molality)
• Explaining definition properties of non electrolyte colligative solution (Raoulth's law) and electrolyte solution.
• Explaining influence of dissolve solute which difficult condense to vapour pressure solution.
• Calculating solution vapour pressure pursuant to experiment data.
• Investigating depression of freezing point hydrogen effect of addition of solute through an experiment.
• Calculating depression of freezing point of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution pursuant to experiment data.
• Investigating increase of boiling point solution by addition of dissolve substance through experiment.
• Calculating increase of boiling point electrolyte and non electrolyte solution pursuant to experiment data.
• Analyzing diagram of PT to interpret degradation of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point and increase of boiling point solution.
• Explaining definition of osmosis and osmosis pressure and also its application.
• Calculating osmosis pressure of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution. Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
24 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
1.2 Comparing between colligative characteris of nonelectrolyte with colligative properties of electrolyte solution which its same concentration pursuant to experiment data. • Difference colligative properties of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution. • Analyzing experiment data to compare the colligative properties of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution through group discussion. • Analyzing experiment data to compare the colligative properties of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution. Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
18 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 2, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XII/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 60 lesson
Standard of competency : 2. Applying concept of oxidation-reduction and electrochemistry in everyday life and technology.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
2.1 Applying concept of oxidation-reduction reaction in electrochemistry system entangling electrics energy and its usefulness in preventing corrosion and in industry. Equation of redox reaction.
Volta cell
Application Voltaic cell in life.
Putting on a equivalent equation of redox reaction by half reaction (electron ion) and change of oxidation number (PBO) through class discussion.
Exercise to put on a par reaction of redox
• Design and conduct experiment of volta cell via team-work in laboratory.
• Exercise to calculate value of E cell.
Through class discussion explain Voltaic cell principle which many used in life (battery, accumulator, etc)
Putting on a par reaction of redox by half reaction (electron ion)
Putting on a par of redox reaction by change of oxidation number (PBO)
Concluding character of redox reaction that goes on spontaneously through experiment.
Describe Voltaic cell formation or Galvanis cell and explain function every its shares
Explaining how electrics energy yielded from reaction of redox in Voltaic cell
Writing down cell device and reactions that happened at Voltaic cell
Calculating of potential cell pursuant to standard potential data
Explaining principle work Voltaic cell which many used in life ( battery, accumulator, etc)
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
18 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 2, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
2.2. Explaining oxidation-reduction reaction in electrolysis cell
Electrolysis reaction
Corrosion Design and conduct an experiment perceive reaction that happened in cathode and anode at electrolysis reaction through team-work in laboratory.
Design and conduct an experiment to identify factors influencing the happening of corrosion through team-work in laboratory.
Explaining some ways to prevent the happening of corrosion through class discussion.
Observe reaction that happened in cathode and anode at electrolysis reaction through experiment.
Writing down reaction that happened in cathode and anode at dilution or solution with active electrode or inert electrode .
Explaining factors influencing the happening of corrosion through an experiment.
Explaining some ways to prevent the happening of corrosion.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
18 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
2.3. Applying Faraday law for the electrolysis of electrolyte solution. • Faraday law Applying Faraday law concept in calculation of electrolysis cell through class discussion.
Design and conduct an experiment about process metal gilding via team-work in laboratory.
Explaining electrolysis cell application in course of gilding and purification of metal in industry through class discussion.
Applying Faraday law concept in calculation of electrolysis cell.
Writing down reaction of electrolysis at purification and gilding a metal.
Writing down reaction of electrolysis at purification and gilding a metal at metal industry.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
24 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XII/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 36 lesson
Standard of competence: 3. Comprehending properties of important elements, usefulness and its danger, and also there are in nature.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
3.1 Identifying overflow of principle elements and transition in nature and product that containt the element.
• The elements of principal faction and transition.
Period element 3rd.
Listing (table) existence of elements and product that contaiint inert gas, halogen, alkaline, earth alkaline, aluminium, carbon, silicon, brimstone, chrome, copper, zinc, iron, nitrogen and oxygen individually at home and presented.
Studying the properties of period elements 3.
Studying existence period of element 3 in nature
Studying the way of obtaining period elements 3.
Studying usefulness of period element 3.
Identifying existence of elements in nature especially in Indonesia (inert gas, halogen, alkaline, earth alkaline, aluminium, carbon, silicon, brimstone, chrome, copper, zinc, iron, nitrogen and oxygen)
Identifying products that pregnant its substance.
Writing down formula of complex compound.
Giving the name of complex compound ion.
Writing down the properties of period element 3.
Mentioning the name of mineral that pregnant period elements 3.
Explaining the way of getting period elements 3 from mineral that is exist in nature.
Writing down usefulness of period element 3 and its metal alloy
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
6 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.2. Describe tendency of chemical and physical behavior especially in principal element and transition element (boiling point, melting point, hardness, colour, solubility, reactivity, and the other properties)
• Physical properties and chemical properties of element Through class discussion and perception identify the physical properties and chemical properties principal element and transition element (boiling point, melting point, hardness, colour, condensation, reactivity, and the other properties)
Demonstration reaction of Natrium metal in water (conducted by teacher carefully)
Design and conduct an experiment to identify halogen oxidator energy and halogen reduction agent energy via team-work in laboratory.
Design and conduct an experiment to identify aflame reaction of metal compound (especially alkaline and earth alkaline) via team-work in laboratory.
Design and conduct an experiment to identify regularity properties of period elements three via team-work in laboratory.
Design and conduct an experiment to investigate and eliminate water hardness via team-work in laboratory.
Identifying the physical properties of principal element and transition element (boiling point, melting point, hardness, colour, condensation, and the other properties).
Identifying the chemical properties (reactivity, solubility) passing experiment.
Identifying halogen oxidation agent energy and halide reduction agent energy passing experiment.
Concluding halogen oxidation agent energy and reduction agent halide energy.
Identifying aflame reaction of metal compound (especially alkaline and earth alkaline) passing experiment.
Identifying regularity of physical properties and chemical properties of three period elements passing experiment.
Concluding regularity of physical properties and chemical properties three period of element.
Explaining the way of eliminating hardness of water through experiment.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
12 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.3. Explaining usefulness, impact and process preparation compound and elements in everyday life.
Benefit and impact of elements in everyday life and industry.
Listing (table) about element impact and benefit like inert gas, halogen, alkaline, earth alkaline, aluminium, carbon, silicon, brimstone, chrome, copper, zinc, iron, nitrogen and oxygen individually at home and presented.
Explaining making of compound and element in industry and laboratory (for example H2SO4, N2, Fe, Al, NH3 and of O2) passing class discussion.
Analyzing and determining element composition in manure passing class discussion. Explaining elements impact and benefit (like inert gas, halogen, alkaline, earth alkaline, aluminium, carbon, silicon, brimstone, chrome, copper, zinc, iron, nitrogen and oxygen) and also compound in everyday life and industrial.
Explaining making of compound and element in industry and laboratory (for example H2SO4, N2, Fe, Al, NH3 and of O2)
Determining element composition in manure.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
6 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation mateeial
3.4. Describe radioactive elements facet of physical properties and chemical properties, usefulness, and its danger. Invention of radioactive ray.
Properties of radioactive ray.
Equation of nuclear reaction.
Usefulness of radioactive element.
The danger of radioactive ray.
Studying the physical properties and chemical properties, usefulness, and the danger of radioactive elements passing class discussion and presented. Describe invention of radioactive ray.
Identifying the properties of radioactive ray.
Determining ribbon stability of nucleus.
Writing down equation of nuclear reaction.
Describe usefulness of radioactive elements.
Describe of radioactive danger elements.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
6 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
3.5. Analyse anion cation, and recognize gas which is formed in chemical reaction Cation analysis method.
Anion analysis method.
Gas analysis method Studying the way of recognizing and analyzing cation.
Studying the way of recognizing and analyzing anion.
Studying the way of gas analysis.
Conducting experiment to determine anion, cation and gas
Determining cation in solution especially ion of Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe 2+, Fe3+
Determining cation in solution especially ion of Cl-, I-, NO3-, SO4-, CO 3-
Determining gas that formed at one particular reaction of chemistry especially gas of CO2, NH3, H2, O2, Cl2 Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
6 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
Education unit : SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
Class/Semester : XII/1
Subject matter : CHEMISTRY
Service : International
Program : Science
Time allotment : 36 lesson
Standard of competence: 4. Comprehending organic compound and its reaction, benzene and its generation, and macromolecules.
Basic competence Material Learning Activity Indicator Evaluation Time Allotment Learning source
4.1. Describe of structure, way of writing, arrange name, behavior, usefulness, and identify carbon compound (halo alkane, alkanol, alkoxy alkane, alkanal, alkanon, alkanoat, and alkanoat alkyl, amine and amide)
Structure and nomenclature of carbon compound.
Physical properties and chemical properties of carbon compound.
• Usefulness of carbon compound.
• Amine and amide.
• Reaction of carbon compound.
• Conducting identify experiment to identify functional group.
• Differentiating functional group and give the name of carbon compound through discussion.
• Practice give the name of from various compound type
• Studying types of isomer carbon compound through discussion.
• Practice determine the happening of isomer and give the name of formed compound.
• Analyzing boiling point data and melting point carbon compound to explain physical properties through discussion.
• Searching information of pharmacy media and literature about usefulness of carbon compound individually.
Studying structure, arrange name, types, making, usefulness of amine
Studying structure, arrange name, types, making, usefulness of amide
Studying types reaction of carbon compound.
Practice write down reaction of carbon compound.
Identifying carbon compound functional group.
Writing down carbon compound name and structure pursuant to its functional group.
Determining isomers of carbon compound.
Explaining the physical properties of carbon compound.
Describe usefulness of carbon compound.
Writing down amine structure
Mentioning amine types
Mentioning usefulness of amine
Writing down amide structure
Mentioning amide types
Mentioning usefulness of amine
Can mention types reaction of carbon compound.
Can write down reaction of carbon compound.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
12 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.2 Describe of structure, way of writing, nomenclature, properties and usefulness of benzene and its derivative.
Structure and nomenclature of benzene and its derivative
Reaction of benzena.
Physical properties and chemical properties of benzene and its derivative.
Usefulness and danger of benzene and its derivative.
• Determining structure and name of benzene compound and its derivative through discussion.
Studying reaction of atom substitution of H at benzene ring.
Discussing definition of ortho, meta and para.
Describe of physical propertie and chemical properties and its derivative through discussion.
• Through class discussion describe of usefulness and danger benzene compound and its derivative in everyday life.
Writing down structure and nomenclature of benzene compound and its derivative.
Explaining reaction of atom substitution of H at benzene ring
Explaining definition of ortho, meta and para.
Describe physical properties and chemical properties of benzene and its derivative.
Describe usefulness and danger of benzene compound and its derivative in everyday life like fenol, aniline, butil hidroxy toluen (BHT), butil hidroxy anisol (BHA), TNT, aspirin, and colour substance (azo) and others.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
12 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Work sheet
Presentation materials
LCD, computer
4.3 . Describe of structure, nomenclature, classification, physical properties and usefulness of macromolecules (polymer, carbohydrate, and protein).
Protein • Perceiving and analyzing to identify type and properties of polymer and synthetic polymer and natural polymer via team-work.
• Determining reaction of polymer pursuant to coming and type of its monomer (kopolymer and homopolymer, polymer of addition and condensation polymer) passing discussion.
• Determining classifier of monosaccharide become aldose and ketose in class discussion.
• Explaining reaction hydrolysis of disaccharride and polysaccharride constructively enzyme in discussion.
• Design and conduct an experiment to identify carbohydrate with various reagent in team-work.
• Determining structure formula of essensial amino acid and group of peptida at protein through class discussion.
Identifying natural polymer and synthetic polymer ( rubber, carbohydrate, protein, plastic)
Explaining physical properties and chemical properties of polymer.
Writing down reaction forming of polymer ( condensation and addition) from its imonomer.
Describe usefulness of polymer and take heed its impact to environment.
Classifying monosaccharride become aldose and ketose.
Explaining reaction of hydrolysis of disaccharride and polisaccharide of constructively enzyme.
Identifying carbohydrate with reagent.
Writing down structure formula of esensial amino acid.
Determining group of peptida at protein. Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
6 lesson
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
• Internet
Lembar kerja,
Material presentasi
LCD, komp
4.4. Describe structure, nomenclature, classification, properties and usefulness of fat.
Structure formula and fat name.
Classification of oil and fat.
Physical properties and chemical properties of fat and oil.
Function of oil and fat.
• Describe of structure, nomenclature, classification, properties, and usefulness of fat through discussion. Writing down structure formula and fat name of oil.
Classifying fat pursuant to saturation of bonding.
Perceiving and elaborating of physical properties and chemical properties of fat and oil.
Describe function and role of oil and fat in life.
Technique :
Written test
Type :
Multiple choice test
Essay test
Assigment :
• An individual. task
• Group assigment
6 lesson Sources
• Depdikbud, 1994, Buku Kimia 3, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka.
• Mechael Purba, 2007, Kimia 3, Jakarta, Erlangga
• Brian Ratcliff 2004, Chemistry, As-Level and A Level, Cambridge
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